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The Sital Plants guarantees backing services operational units of the purchaser for the reclamation, isolation and coating systems.
We also have equipment for recovering circuits and commissioning of automation systems.
We deal with:
-piping prefabrication and installation
maintenance fittings and safety and relief valves
-equipment (heat exchangers, air coolers, pressure vessels, columns.)
-high pressure washing equipment
-replacement tube bundles
-distribution and control equipment in substations
-electricity distribution networks
-revision and restore electrical power transformers
-MV and LV switchboards
-pneumatic and electronic instrumentation review control room and on the field
-renovation of furnaces and steam generators, replacing internal parts of the equipment (items columns) restores partial restores with overlay welding, thickness of equipment with replacement of parts (planking columns, head or bottom columns.)

Registered Office

00165 Rome-Italy
Via della Stazione di San Pietro, 65
(+39) 06.92929875
(+39) 06.92929875

Location of Gela

93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Via Venezia, 369
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220


93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Industrial zone I° Street
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220

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