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We care about: design, installation, expansion, maintenance and transformation of production systems, transmission, distribution and utilization of thermal energy.

Our industrial systems are designed according to the highest standards of comfort, security, flexibility and adaptability. We work in:

  • Material handling:
    plant simulation, design and testing for material handling of incoherent material (pneumatic conveying, filtering and storage) 
  • Renewable energy:
    renewable energy plants simulation, design and testing for efficiency improving and environmental impact reduction 
  • Workplace safety:
    theoretical and experimental analysis for safety investment feasibility study 
  • Industrial automation:
    designing and testing of acquisition data system for plant automation


Our company consists of qualified technicians and specialists for the construction, testing and commissioning of high automation industrial plants We are specialised in the design, construction and installation of:

Industrial fluid distribution systems

Water treatment plants

Water steam and superheated water

Steam boiler installation

Installation of steam turbines


Pipe rack

Metallic carpentry


Fire detection systems

Registered Office

00165 Rome-Italy
Via della Stazione di San Pietro, 65
(+39) 06.92929875
(+39) 06.92929875

Location of Gela

93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Via Venezia, 369
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220


93012 Gela (CL)-Italy
Industrial zone I° Street
(+39) 0933.1901383
(+39) 0933.833220

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